Writing Support

Tell the story you really want to tell

Do you have a creative idea you want to talk through? A draft of a book or story you’d like to take to the next level? Or maybe you’ve started a book or project, but have gotten stuck and want some help moving forward.

I offer editing, ghostwriting, and writing coaching services. I charge $200 for an initial 75 minute consultation, and $175/an hour after that. You can also purchase a block of ten sessions for $1500.00

Schedule a consultation HERE.

If you work with me we will: Have an initial conversation about your project. What do you want to create? Where are you stuck? Where are things flowing? What would you like to have more of?

Then, depending on the project, we meet at regular intervals to discuss what you’re working on. I often give my clients customized writing exercises to help them move through blocks or open up places in the work that are currently holding a story or essay back.

Some ways I have worked with clients:

*Helped with finishing a novel or memoir, or taking a finished draft to the next level.

*Helped with the emotional arc of a book, short story, or essay. (I can’t emphasize how important the emotional arc is. Without it, you might have beautiful prose, but no one can feel it.)

*Helped clients write more authentically in their own voice.

*Helped those who aren’t writers write books and essays. (Ghostwriting.)

*Helped clients create a generative writing practice

*Done an intuitive read of a project to help clients see where the energy is flowing and bright, where it is flat, or to see what the book or essay is trying to tell the writer.

*Sometimes people just come and write with me. This is the best! We chat, come up with a prompt customized to whatever you’re working on, and write for 15 minutes. Then you read me what you’ve written and I tell you what I love. After that we come up with some next steps for your piece, practice, or project. I have found this to be incredibly effective in helping people move forward with their work. And it’s a lot of fun.

Contact me here